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Data Provider

A Data Provider establishes the connection between a specific storage system and ORM. Generally, it is a class that implements the following interface:

export interface DataProvider {
  registerConnection(name: string): void
  dump(): SerializedStorage
  restore(data: SerializedStorage): void
  registerModule(path: ModulePath, initialState?: State): void
  getModuleState(module: ModulePath): State
  hasModule(module: ModulePath): boolean
  save(module: ModulePath, records: Elements): void
  insert(module: ModulePath, records: Elements): void
  replace(module: ModulePath, records: Elements): void
  update(module: ModulePath, records: Elements): void
  delete(module: ModulePath, ids: string[]): void
  flush(module: ModulePath): void

In the terms of Rattus ORM (and Vuex ORM, which it is based on), a module is a "table" for a specific entity. For instance, when a User entity is introduced to the ORM, a new module - "User" is created.

The other methods have intuitively understandable names. If anything remains unclear, you can refer to the source code of ObjectDataProvider.

Core package has utility class DataProviderHelpers. If you are going to write your own provider, you may use it.

The Data Provider is linked to the database upon creation:

const database = createDatabase({
  dataProvider: new ObjectDataProvider()