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By default, everything returned from a Repository or Query is not reactive. Angular and RxJS use Observable and BehaviorSubject to achieve reactivity. The key to getting reactive data is to call update on a specific instance of the above classes. Integration with Rattus ORM provides this feature automatically.

Every repository retrieved from RattusContextService or Database, even those you registered as custom, has an observe method added. It takes one argument - a function, the only parameter of which is the instance of the same repository. In it you can access data in any way you want, including using Query. It returns a BehaviorSubject that is automatically subscribed to updates to the specific model's store.

public user: BehaviorSubject<Item<User>>

  protected readonly contextService: RattusContextService,
) {
  const userRepo = contextService.getRepository(User)

  this.user = userRepo.observe(
    (repo) => repo.query()
      .where('id', '1')

You can subscribe to changes in code, or output model data in templates using AsyncPipe:

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [AsyncPipe],
  template: '<p>{{ (user | async)?.email }}</p>',
export class AppComponent { 
  // ...

The resulting object is no different from a regular BehaviorSubject, except that it is automatically updated when the data in the store is updated.