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The package includes a number of hooks that you can use in your work.


Returns a special object RattusContext, which provides access to database management and repository retrieval.

declare class RattusContext {
  $database: Database;
  $databases: Record<string, Database>;
  createDatabase(connection?: string, isPrimary?: boolean): Database;
  $repo<M extends typeof Model>(model: M, connection?: string): Repository<InstanceType<M>>;


The useRepository composition function returns all methods of the Repository class. These methods can be used with destructuring:

function App() {
  const { query, save } = useRepository(User)
  const user = query().where('id', '1').first()

  return (
      <p>{ }</p>
      <button type="button" onClick={() => save({ id: '1', email: '' })}>Update email</button>

Remember that the obtained method works only with the data of the User model. To work with other models, you can call the hook again.

If you have previously registered a custom repository, you can pass it as a parameter in the generic: useRepository<UserCustomRepository>(User). All custom methods and properties will also be available for destructuring.


Unlike integrations with Vue, the obtained data is already reactive. In the example above, the output of will be updated immediately.

Don't forget to wrap your component in observer from mobx-react or mobx-react-lite.