Manual Setup
Creating database manually
Sometimes using a plugin may not be convenient. If this is your case, you can set everything up manually.
First of all, you need to create a database (more details here). During the creation process, you need to pass the correctly configured Data provider to the database:
import { createDatabase } from '@rattus-orm/core'
import { SolidjsDataProvider } from '@rattus-orm/solidjs'
const database = createDatabase({
connection: 'entities',
dataProvider: new SolidjsDataProvider()
After that, you can use the database as usual: it is linked to the Solid through the provider.
Integration with Solid
The provider for Solid allows you to use the manually created database. For this, you need to pass it in props:
render(() => (
<RattusProvider database={database}>
<App />
), root