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The package includes a number of hooks that you can use in your work.


Returns a special object RattusContext, which provides access to managing databases and obtaining repositories.

declare class RattusContext {
  $database: Database;
  $databases: Record<string, Database>;
  createDatabase(connection?: string, isPrimary?: boolean): Database;
  $repo<M extends typeof Model>(model: M, connection?: string): Repository<InstanceType<M>>;


The useRepository hook returns all methods of the Repository class. These methods can be used with destructuring:

  import { useRepository } from "@rattus-orm/svelte";
  import { User } from "./models/User";

  const { find, save } = useRepository(User)
  const user = userRepo.find('1')

<p>{ $user?.email }</p>

Remember that the obtained method only works with data of the User model. To work with other models, you can call the composition again.

useRepository automatically returns a Readable Svelte store from the find and all methods. For working with a Query, the composition provides two methods:

  1. query() – returns a regular instance of Query, and the retrieval methods are not wrapped in Readable;
  2. withQuery((query: Query) => {...}) – wraps the result of the callback in Readable.

The returned Readable is in fact a small “add-on”. It has a value getter that allows you to get the current state of the store without calling the get() function from svelte/store. Important: the return value of a getter is not reactive.

If you have previously registered a custom repository, you can pass it as a parameter in the generic: useRepository<UserCustomRepository>(User). All custom methods and properties will also be available for destructuring, however, they will not be wrapped in Readable.